
Ft. Lauderdale it is

We have some pretty big news! We mentioned in our last update that we were heading to Ft. Lauderdale to interview with CityChurch and it went really well…at least part of it anyway. I’ve never been one to deal with stress well, so during the interview process I got sick with the flu. For most of the interview process I had a temperature and felt pretty awful. It was mostly due to the stress of interviewing along with not fairing well with the jet lag. However, despite the circumstances I was offered a position as an associate pastor of CityChurch. I’ll include more info about the work there and what I’ll be doing in later e-mails, but the position is a good fit for us. We’ve been shaped and molded by our experience here in London, as we have a much better framework for urban ministry because of our time here. In many ways our hearts for London haven’t changed, and we hope to come back with short term teams and to encourage other people to serve this great city. In determining calling in light of big changes (little Natalie) in our own lives we feel that we can better serve Christ and his church with a bit more support behind us. Thanks for praying for us and please continue to do so as we make some major changes over the next few months. On the pregnancy front, Ashley just had another check-up with her doctor and she and the baby are doing great!