Carpenters in London 2005

So, January has been a great month. 2004 was very hectic and crazy, but we are starting to feel like normal human beings again. Within the lives of the CVs we are beginning to see a great growth take place. This is partly due to the fact that we are around them A LOT. We eat our meals together. We watch TV together. We do chores together. The team is really beginning to feel like a family and not just a bunch of roommates. This lifestyle has forced us to be less independent and more open, which is difficult. Living in the suburbs, it is easy to not see people and the same is true of city life. Many complain that they feel so lonely even when there are so many people around. Our community life isn’t always easy, as there are fights and disagreements, and people get on each others nerves. We are also seeing a lot more of our sin as this happens and that is definitely not easy. However, through this experience we are becoming more dependent upon Jesus, the Bread of Life, and it’s our hope that as Jesus becomes more real to us He will become more real to the ones that we seek to serve in the City of London. Thanks for praying.
“The self-sufficient, self-made individualism of Western culture is foreign to Scripture. The goal of a person’s life is not to be a healthy individual; the goal is to be a person living in community with other people who are living in community with God!”
— Paul David Tripp
Age of Opportunity