one year in London

June 3 marks our 1 year anniversary (not counting our trips back to the U.S.) and what a year it has been! Prior to March of last year, we had no idea that God would bring us to London, but He clearly did so by His powerful hand. After our approval to come last year we sold our house in about 2 hours and raised the necessary funds to come in less than a month and, meanwhile I was trying to graduate from Seminary. While in London we were then able to see why God wanted us here, as He led us to an incredible opportunity living and working with a group people to see them trained and equipped in urban evangelism. The last year has been far from easy and it has certainly stretched our faith, but please join us in praising God for his faithfulness in bringing His heavenly kingdom to earth through our feeble efforts.
April and May were incredibly busy months in light of our trip to the United States. I went through testing for ordination and passed! There was a short installation ceremony on May 10th after the approval by the presbytery. Thank you to those who prayed for that process. God’s Spirit was clearly present in the midst of all of that.
The City Vision program is going well. We have all experienced the ups and downs that come with living in this type of environment, but God has clearly been at work in our lives as well as the 13 members of the team. God is doing a tremendous work in their lives in equipping them in urban evangelism and mission, as well as showing them their need for a Savior in everything they do. 3 members of the team are continuing on in the mission, while others are going back to serve God in various arenas. The program itself has done well to effectively prepare and train them to better serve Jesus Christ and his church for the advancement of his kingdom. As a last point of encouragement to you, this past month one of the members of our team was distributing a Christian newspaper to an area near his ministry center, which landed in the hands of someone who lives several miles away from where he was handing out newspapers. That person called the ministry center several days after to say that she had become a Christian after reading through the newspaper. Again, praise God for his faithfulness and thank you for supporting and partnering with us.
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